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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Listening to Your Car

Staying safe on the roads is always a priority when we jump in our cars each morning, but there are so many things we have to keep in mind. From watching out for other drivers and pedestrians, to listening for sirens,...

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Reasons to Weep on Valentine’s Day

You’re single. No dates. No flowers. No expensive night out. Time to weep? Nah! Singleness is not a reason to release the tear-duct-floodgates. In fact, the freedom of being single on Valentine’s Day can generate a...

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Keep Your Kids from Getting Sick

Now is the time of year when everybody starts getting sick. If you worry about your kids picking up a nasty cold at school, there are some preventative measures you can take to decrease the chances of your kids getting...

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Preventing Fires in Your Home

A fire in the home is one of the most disastrous events for any family to get through. While there are many resources and services including insurance policies that will be able to get a family back on their feet should...

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Safety Kit for your Car

You’ve probably heard about the importance of traveling with a safety kit in your car. And perhaps you’ve even thought about making one. But what do you even put in a safety kit? Well, get out a pen or paper (or simply...

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Protect Your Family From the "Silent Killer"

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, invisible gas that results when certain fuels do not burn completely. And it can be deadly. That's why it's important to know how to prevent it, detect it, and protect yourself...

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Giving Back When Money is Tight

Since Charles Dickens came out with the groundbreaking novel, "The Christmas Carol" in 1843, the Christmas season has been celebrated as a holiday of giving and forgetting yourself. The foremost prominent character is...

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Traveling Tips for the Holidays

“Over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house we go...” We have all heard the song before and really it’s not a new thing to be out and traveling during the holidays. Whether for business or just for fun, it...

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Make Sure Your Pets Travel Well for the Holidays

The holiday season is here - time to eat good food and join together with loved ones. For many who have families far away, this is also is the time to pack up and get out of California. If you are gearing up to travel...

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Keeping Your Kids Safe: Tips and Tricks for Car Seat Safety

When it comes to keeping your kids safe, there is nothing you wouldn’t do, but sometimes the little things are forgotten. Remember the little things will help your children to be safer and happier in the car, and we are...

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