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What to Do After a Car Accident in Winter

Freezing temperatures, gusts of wind, patches of ice – winter can be a horrible time to be on the road, especially if you’re on vacation and aren’t used to driving in winter conditions. And, it’s an even worse time to...

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10 Little-Known Facts About Riverside California

If you think you know everything interesting about your hometown of Riverside California, think again! Here is a countdown of 10 little-known, interesting facts! #10: Our Restaurants - Our city has 610 ranked...

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How to Avoid Animal-Vehicle Collisions

About 2 million times every year, animals and cars collide on U.S. roadways — often causing serious and even fatal injuries to drivers and passengers, along with about $1 billion in damage, according to the U.S....

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Thrifty Security: Burglar-Proof Your Home for the Holidays

It's not unusual, when you set out on that holiday trip, to look back at the house a little nervously. Sure, you remembered to lock the doors, but just how secure are things? What might happen while you're away?One way...

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Safe, Secure Shopping: Tips for Black Friday

It's become almost as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and football: Black Friday, the morning-after (or in some cases evening-after) shopping spree. It's the biggest shopping day of the year, an event in its own...

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Your Home Maintenance Checklist for Fall

Fall brings more than just changing leaves and shorter days. In many areas, it also comes with a shift in weather conditions that can have a serious impact on your home. And, don’t forget, winter is right around the...

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10 Pros and Cons of Living in an HOA

Moving to a home in a homeowners association? Read these 10 pros and cons before signing the dotted line and let Best Insurance Services help today! - Homeowners association: an organization that some people love to...

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Home Safety with Creative Key Hiders

Did you know that over 2,000,000 home burglaries are reported every year in the United States? And 66 percent of these burglaries involve residential break-ins, with nearly 30 percent of these burglaries occurring as a...

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4 Ways to Help All Children Have a Great School Year

It's back-to-school time, and, if you have school-age children, your household is likely bustling with activity and filling up with books and backpacks. There are other households and school districts in your community,...

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How to Get Your Security Deposit Back When You Move

Did you know that one out of four people, or 26 percent of renters, do not receive their security deposit back when moving out? Even renters who don’t abuse or damage their rental can fall victim to security deposit...

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