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Best Insurance Services Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Exercise and the Mind

Exercise does more for your body than you realize - in fact, your brain benefits from exercise just as much as your abs do. Here are a few things exercise helps that you might not have known. Prevents Alzheimer's -...

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Protect Your Most Cherished Possessions

If you're like most people, there are certain items you own that you can't imagine ever losing - possessions you deeply cherish or those that would be impossible to replace due to the cost of re-purchasing them or...

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The Must-Have Perks of Renters Insurance

We all own things that we love - things that we would mourn over if we lost. It could be music collections, expensive electronics, a prized blender, a foreign painting, etc. But as much as you love your things, do you...

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DIY the Right Way

It seems that now more than ever, homeowners and families across the nation are adopting the attitude of the do-it-yourselfer. With people taking on more and more home projects by themselves, many have found that...

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Giving Your Kids the Text Talk

Seemingly from the don of mankind, parents and their teenage children have butted heads over this and that, often ending in arguments and aggravation. Because of this, communicating with your teenage children can often...

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Keep Water from Going Where it Shouldn't

One of the most disheartening experiences is to find flooding or extreme water damage to your treasured home. At Best Insurance, we know you want to protect what's important. That's why we're offering these tips to help...

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Brushing Up On Your Insurance Literacy

A recent survey conducted by the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (IIABA) found that only 40% of people are aware of what is in their insurance policies, and only 60% of people actually do any...

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Do I Need Flood Insurance Even If I Don’t Live In a High Risk Flood Zone?

- With all the flooding that goes on in the U.S., you'd think more people would carry flood insurance. Despite all those newscasts depicting scenes of homes getting swept away by a river running down Main Street, only...

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3 Car Safety Features You Shouldn't Skip

We've come a long way since inventing the wheel, and technology has certainly improved since inventing the car. Finally, the cars of today are starting to reflect that technology in their safety features. Here are just...

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A Little Extra Caution Can Go a Long Way While Driving at Night

While fall and winter have their own pleasures, longer nights mean increased danger on the roads. You might think you drive just as well at night, but consider this: Even though nighttime driving accounts for just 23%...

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