Since Charles Dickens came out with the groundbreaking novel, “The Christmas Carol” in 1843, the Christmas season has been celebrated as a holiday of giving and forgetting yourself. The foremost prominent character is named Scrooge, now a nickname for those that do not participate in the Christmas spirit and charity. Sometimes giving during this season can be difficult when you don’t have enough money to share, but here are a few tips to help you out.
Even if you don’t have money to spare, there are things that you can donate. Around your house there is sure to be unused clothes or canned food in the pantry that you can give away to a local charity or to a neighbor in need.
If every year Christmas comes around and you don’t have enough money for yourself let alone to buy presents for others, make a goal to save up money throughout the year. If you save little by little every paycheck you will be surprised how much money you have to spare when it comes time to share.
Give Your Time
As the saying goes, “time is money.” People appreciate it greatly when you give of your time because they know you would rather be with them than anywhere else. This holiday season give of your time by volunteering at a nearby shelter or school by doing the Big Sister/Brother program.
It’s not that hard to make a difference in someone else’s life – once he put his mind to it, even Scrooge could do it.